How to Manage Time in Board Exam?

How to Manage time in board exam

Navigating board exams can be likened to steering a ship through a storm. The importance of managing one’s time efficiently cannot be emphasized enough. Many students face challenges, not due to lack of preparation but due to improper time management. Knowing your content is just half the battle; ensuring you present it well within the allocated time is crucial.

Pre-Exam Preparation:

The mantra “well begun is half done” holds particularly true for board exams. How you manage your time leading up to the exams significantly influences how you’ll handle the actual exam day.

Drafting a study schedule might seem tedious, but it’s a lifesaver. Start by listing down subjects and breaking them into individual topics. Allocate specific time slots, ensuring you cover everything. But remember, this isn’t set in stone. The key is consistency; it’s more about maintaining a rhythm than forcing a rigid timetable.

Practicing in simulated exam conditions can provide invaluable insights. Not only does it give a reality check on preparation levels, but it also helps in calibrating the time required per question. Review your performance, identify gaps, and then go back to your study schedule for tweaks.

Each of us has strengths and weaknesses. Recognizing them can help streamline revision. Maybe algebra needs more attention than geometry? Allocate your time accordingly. This isn’t about ignoring certain topics but understanding where to invest more time.

The urge to postpone things, especially difficult topics, can be strong. Recognize this trap. Stay motivated, perhaps by rewarding yourself for sticking to the schedule. Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you study intensively for short periods, followed by breaks, can help maintain momentum.

During the Exam

The culmination of all your hard work – the exam day. But this is not just about recalling what you studied; it’s about strategizing on the spot.

Use the initial minutes to scan the entire paper. Gauge the difficulty level and mark questions you’re confident about. This initial assessment helps in mentally strategizing the flow of answers.

Time is the essence. Pre-decide rough time allocations for different sections based on their weightage and complexity. Regularly glance at the clock to ensure you’re on track, but don’t let it stress you out. If one section takes a bit more time, adjust accordingly in the next.

Starting with questions you’re confident about not only ensures you bag those marks but also boosts morale. It’s like setting a positive tone for the rest of the exam.

If you’ve managed your time well, you’ll have a few minutes at the end. Use them wisely. Go over your answers, ensuring you haven’t missed anything or made any careless mistakes.

Maintaining Physical and Mental Well-being

The mind and body aren’t distinct entities. They feed off each other, especially during high-stress times like board exams.

Pulling all-nighters might seem like a good idea, but a tired brain is less efficient. Ensure you get a full night’s sleep, especially before the exam day.

Incorporate deep breathing or short meditation sessions into your routine. These can help in reducing anxiety, ensuring you approach the paper with a calm mind.

Your brain needs fuel. Ensure you eat balanced meals and stay hydrated. Avoid excessive caffeine; it might give a short term boost but can lead to crashes.


Board exams are a significant milestone, but they’re not just about the content. Time management plays a pivotal role. As you embark on this journey, remember to balance preparation with relaxation, ensuring you present your knowledge efficiently on the big day. All the best!

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