Welcome to Educit.pk. A website that helps Pakistani students elevate academic success. Educita was Launched in March (2023) with the aim of giving students access to all the learning material they need. We provide all kinds of learning material to students.

What do we do?

At Educita, we strive to help students in every aspect of their learning journey. Our team of seniors and passed-out students research to gather relevant data. We share this data to help students prepare better for their exams. We understand the importance of having access to all the learning materials in one place. So we offer many materials to students from all schools, colleges, and universities.

What do we share?

  • Past Papers
  • Notes & Handouts
  • Guess Papers
  • Model Papers
  • Novels
  • Guide Blog

We go above and beyond to ensure students have access to everything they need to excel in their studies.

About the Founder

My name is Hassan Ali, and I am the founder of Educita. I created this website with a mission to help as many students as possible in Pakistan. My team keeps the website updated with the latest learning materials and student guidance.

Sharing is Caring

At Educita, our team believes that knowledge is only useful when shared. We encourage you to share our website with your fellow students so that they can benefit from the learning materials. We also welcome any senior students who wish to share their experiences and knowledge with students. If you are one of them, contact us to collaborate and make our website even more powerful for all students.

Our Mission

Our main goal at Educita is to help every student achieve good grades and GPAs on their exams. We understand that passing exams requires hard work and dedication. That’s why we aim to provide students with all the necessary tools and materials to help them prepare effectively.

Stay Connected

Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with our website’s latest updates and news. We appreciate your support and look forward to helping you succeed academically. Thank you